
16. Mai 2015

COLLABORATION SATURDAY - Chanel 727 Lavanda - Chanel Mediterrané Collection for Summer 2015

...lousy pics....

It's time again for Collaboration Saturday with Maria

Last week I promised already to show the first of the two polishes I had chosen from above mentioned collection and I finally succeeded to take the pics of one of them. 727 Lavanda. Unfortunately actually I have a problem with Blogger: you know that usually my pics are really accurate, but the upload really turns them into crap. I already complained various times to blogger, but frankly speaking I got that impression, that since I'm complaining, the quality of my pics became even worse. But anyway, here it is: Chanel Lavanda. Not really lavender as the name promises, but a fantastic violet.
Application was easy and it gives full opacity with 2 - 3 coats. Drying time is short and a topcoat is not needed.

I'm now wondering what Maria has prepared for today. I'm almost sure, it's Chanel too.

Viel Spaß beim Lackieren!

Liebe Grüße,

8 Kommentare:

  1. It is a really pretty purple :-)

    1. Thanks a lot. It's really superpretty :o).

      Kind regards,

  2. I experience the same with Blogger - also without complaining - and I did all the right settings :(
    I think we need to connect our blogs to Google+ to get the photos back to what they really are...
    I love Lavanda, but you already know that ;)

    1. Well, I'm now complaining already for more than one week and also my settings are all correct. We should really join, that's pretty nasty spoiling the pics while uploading.

      Kind regards,

  3. Der einzige, den ich mir aus der aktuellen Chanel Sommerkollektion gegönnt habe. (Jedenfalls bisher... :-P) Tolle Farbe!

    1. Ich war da mit 2 Lacken etwas großzügiger zu mir ;o).

      Liebe Grüße,

  4. Antworten
    1. Ist es. Aber unter uns Pfarrerstöchtern: der blau-blurple-lila-knalle-Lack von Orly gefällt mir einen Ticken besser *pssst*

      Liebe Grüße,
